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Albuquerque - Breaking Bad City Breaking for the Good - Vote

If you live in Albuquerque you know all the fuss over Breaking Bad with all its ramifications and reflection on the reputation of our beloved city.  Did you know our beloved Albuquerque has more than drugs besmirching its image, and the image isn't actually an image but the truth. We are "Albuquerque, NM- Late-Term Abortion Capital: New Mexico Is The Wild, Wild, West As Far As Abortion Is Concerned…No Regulations & Anything Goes!"

Albuquerque, NM- Late-Term Abortion Capital: New Mexico Is The Wild, Wild, West As Far As Abortion Is Concerned…No Regulations & Anything Goes!

Live in ABQ? Vote!

Know anyone who lives in ABQ, urge them to vote "Yes" in their special election. Your voice, email, facetime call, text message can be a witness for Life and save thousands of lives.

Time for a change? Time for a change!!! Vote "YES" now in the special election.

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