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Advent – Prayer in Waiting



Advent is upon my soul.

Divine gift of season,

I listen for the cry of a First Born Son,

Begotten before Time begun,

And enfleshed in the Virgin’s womb.


I come to her,

Who is the Ark,

Your Mercy Seat.

Kneeling beside her

In these pregnant moments,

I lay my head upon her lap.


Her wonderment and awe

In steadfast contemplation,

Inspire angels' songs.


I hear their reverent voices

In my night.

Their chorus bids me come.

Come to the stable of simplicity.


Leave the noisy city for a deserted place,

The Wilderness whose hidden way

Leads to the waiting manger,

Now, in expectant readiness,

For the Food that will feed

The hungry world.


My Advent prayer,

Come, O Holy Infant!

Come to my straw!

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