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His All For You



Your Father built the world

With you in mind.

You needn’t be important

To be important.

God has made you so.

You are carved upon His hand;

A perfect fit!


The Father’s desire for you,

Waits upon you.

The God of all the Universe

Halted by your will,

For without you

He won’t.


When your world

Stands still,

Limbo silent, and bereft,

Think to move the Hand of God.


“Who do you say I AM?”

When you can see it,

Say it!

Say it, so that the heavens hear you.

Say it, so the angels stop in flight.

Say it so that mountains move,

And flowers blossom.


Christ’s first buds,

Then flowers in bloom,

As Father God

Sets the world in motion

And blossoms forth in you.

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