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I am that a Newborn


Joy was my initial response

To a day of silence,

More exactly, a day of listening.


The sense I had was of God’s delight.

He was looking on me as we do a newborn,

Full of love and enchantment.

He wanted me to share this delight.

He wanted me to recognize

That it was me

Who delighted Him.


I had an image in my mind

Of angels and saints,

Those present at the Mass,

Passing by and looking on me

As they would a precious newborn.


(I had just consumed the Eucharist.)

Each holy spirit approached,

Giving me a blessing

They said I would grow into.

Or, seen another way,

By which I would grow.


The Father wanted me to know

How much it delighted Him

To see me rise after a fall.

I am a sinner but I will be a saint,

If I allow His love to form me,

And continue to rise after each fall.


It would be nice

If my falls were infrequent,

But if they be a thousand,

He would grace me

A thousand times,

Each time I washed

My robe clean

In the blood of Christ,

Confessing my sins

And beginning anew,

A newborn.

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