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I Can Come to You



I can come to You in Spirit.

I can sit by Your side.

“Ask Me”, You say.

“Ask of Me”, You invite.


“Come closer, when you are ready.

When you make up your mind.

I see, you are counting the cost.

That is wise, the thing to do.”


“When you measure Me on your scales,

Remember, too, what I paid for you.

I would do it all, again…. just for you.

Measure that, too.”


” ‘Not fair!’, you say.

“Let’s see,” say I.

“Is it Me, Who is unfair,

Or is it you?”


“You weigh friends, that will have go,

If you have any hope of staying true.

Then, you, consider, forbidden loves,

Which, by the by, I call ‘lust’,

Lust that leaves you bust,

Left with only dust.


“You are right to consider,

For while, My Love is free,

It is relentless in it’s quest.

It will change and challenge you.”


“False loves and lovers,

Fade in My Light.

Tinsel tells tawdry,

In the company of Gold.”


I can come to You in Spirit.

I can sit by Your side.

“Ask Me”, You say.

“Ask of Me”, You invite.”


I see You are the Treasure,

‘The Pearl of great price.’

No longer can I sit beside You.


Please, may I enter into Your Heart?

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