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Cry of One Forgiven



How can I thank You

For Your forgiveness,

For that moment,

In which You scattered

My accusers,

And took my part?


As I looked up

From the mud of my despair,

Your majestic countenance

Was all.

You loomed before me,

Brighter than the Sun.


Who could have imagined

Such grandeur?

You wore holiness like a crown

That more than circled Your brow.

Rather, it emanated,

As light from Your Being,

Announcing Who You are?


Only humility can receive You,

And dare Your gaze.

For Your Eyes

Pierce the soul,

Revealing all.


Only those crying for a Savior

Dare look up,

To confess with that glance

Their fault and nakedness,

Helpless and all pleading.


Only the thirsty

Can drink in the majesty

Of Your knowing.

For pride is the travesty,

That hides,

For fear of revelation.


That moment shattered my fear

And rent the clouds of all my life.

Taking proffered Hand,

I rise to my feet

Then, as now, again,


Light embraces me

As my rags fall to my feet.

In their place

Love has woven a mantle,

A robe of Being,

That more than clothes me.


It is a signal grace,

That names me,

With it, You announce

To all Creation

Who I Am in You.


My “Yes” reverberates

Through out the Universe.

I am new,

Like a star at its birth,

Bursting forth

With Your Holiness;

Baptized in Your Redemption.


How can I thank You

For Your forgiveness,

O You, Who took my part?

Go now,

In search of my accusers.

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