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From the Womb to Heaven



"Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord

Praise and exalt him above all forever."


If Your heavens can bless You,

Simply by being

What You created them to be,

As Your psalmist proclaimed

By Your Spirit,

How much more the living,

Though unborn children of men,

O, Son of Man, Human,

As they are human?


If the elements of Nature can bless You,

By coming forth at Your Word

Why not the children

Of empty, aborted wombs,

Who will not live to pronounce Your Name,

Yet shout Your Glory in their humanity.


The Waters of the deep,

Your subjects,

Obey by their being,

As the Star of Bethlehem

Obeyed in its course,

So Your snow-white lambs

Come to You in their dying

By the Sin of Man,

Sin, for which You died.


You died,

Pouring forth a River

That flows forever,

From the Temple of Your Holy Body.

Gushing forth, O Blood and Water,

Wash the Innocents

Who suffer the cold and chill of Man.


All wind blesses You, O Lord,

So may the Wind of Your Spirit

Rush to the side of these,

The weak and the powerless.

Trusting in Your Mercy,

Allow Baptismal Waters to flow,

From Your Holy Side,

In answer to the prayer

Of the People of God, Your Body.


We pray in the Spirit of Jesus,

Who’s pierced Heart

Released the Mercy of God.

Father, by Your sovereignty,

Permit our spiritual act

To the full extent of Your generosity.


We Implore the proxy

Of the Cloud of Witnesses

And Martyrs crying beneath Your Altar,

All who stand in silent witness

To the death of the Unborn,

Who will be aborted this day.


God willing,

Stand in and take up Christ's Eternal Water,

More alive than all the waters of the Earth.

Pour it for me upon each child

Now in a womb soon to be emptied.


Pray with me, O Church, as the Water flows:

"I baptize you in the Name of the Father,

And of the Son,

And of the Holy Spirit.


Let us call the girls "Mary"

And the boys "Joseph."

God will call them by a name

Known but to Him.


That these new citizens with the saints

And members of the household of God,

Produce sweet fruit,

For having held the hand

Of a human chain of life,

From the time of Adam,

To the End of Time;

Father, grant those of their lineage

Faith in the Living God,

That those who will never

Know them in this life,

May embrace them in Heaven,

In whose courts,

They shall praise this day.

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