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As an Orchid



My Lord Jesus,

As my eyes open

On a new day,

And sleep gives way,

I find You beside me.


As a lover,

You have watched me sleep.

My stirrings,

During the long night,

Were covered

As with a blanket.


Chasing dreams,

I did not notice You,

Lying there upon Your Cross,

Waiting to be lifted into place.


Your forbearance frightens me.

What will it demand,

When dreams abandon me,

And leave me to Your Love?


Will my “yes”

Cause You to be raised

And die for me

On yet another day?


What You have done,

You are doing,

And still will do.

Such is the fearful Love

You waste on me.


To Love, I am a flower

Like no other.

Like one orchid,

Blooming among millions of orchids

In dense worldly jungles,

Never to be beheld,

Yet ravishing in perfection.


You cherish me,

As Your image,

Which the Beauty,

Growing in me,

Though unseen,

Will one day reveal.


Yes! A thousand times, yes!

I will be your Orchid this day.

All days!

You, upon Your Cross,

Me, in the world,

But not of it,

Mysteriously bound together.


Pick me!

Make of me a corsage,

One solitary bloom,

Graced beyond imaging.


Press me, then,

Onto Your Father’s Breast

To wear in proclamation

Of Your Life,

Spent upon a Cross,

Bringing me to Life.


As this day unfurls,

As a wave offering,

Remind me of the throne

I rest upon,

Worn as a treasure

Over our Father’s Heart.


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